National Bible College and Seminary
Guide to Religious Resources on the World Wide Web
{- Bible Research -}
Bible Gateway – For reading and researching scripture online with various tools.

Bible Study Tools – The Bible in many various versions and languages, commentaries, concordances, dictionaries, lexicons, sermon helps, Bible maps and images, and more. – Bible study resources

Unbound Bible – Multilingual Bible-reader program.  It uses Unicode to display Bible texts in various languages.
{- Christian Books and Articles Online -}
Christian Books – The largest Christian search directory.

GospelWeb – Many online e-books on important themes or subjects by various authors.

Guide to Christian Literature on the Internet – Pointers to Internet accessible literature related to classical Christianity.

Church on the Threshold – A must have classic articles, books, audio resources of historical orthodoxy
Wabash Center – A variety of electronic resources for the study and practice of religion.
{- Christian Study and Practice -}
Christian Classics Ethereal Library – A large collection of classic Christian texts in e-format, especially including the works of the Church Fathers.
{- Humanities -}
TREN – Theological thesis and dissertations online.

UMI: Dissertation Express – Thesis and dissertations.
{- Theological Thesis and Dissertations -}